OverSOC Case Study


OverSOC, a French B2B startup in the cybersecurity space, needed to generate leads in the UK market but lacked the resources and experience for effective lead generation.


OverSOC partnered with Sales Force Europe (SFE) to leverage their expertise in lead generation. SFE conducted market research, identified ideal customer profiles (ICPs), and developed a targeted outreach strategy.


  • OverSOC achieved rapid success within the first six weeks, generating qualified leads despite the complex cybersecurity sales cycle.
  • The leads were high-quality, resulting in positive meetings and as a result of the market knowledge fed back to OverSOC, ultimately revealed a need for further product refinement.
  • OverSOC gained valuable insights into the UK market and the effectiveness of different, multi-channel outreach methods to optimize results (cold calling vs. emailing vs. LinkedIn).

“For me, working with Sales Force Europe was flawless, pleasant and solid,” Marc Kieken, Director of Sales and Marketing at OverSOC, said. “Definitely I will recommend SFE and when we are ready at OverSOC, we will be back. They were not only efficient in the start up, but in the outreach.”

Lessons Learned

  • Importance of product-market fit: While SFE delivered high-quality leads, key to the project was advice on positioning within the UK market.
  • Value of a targeted pitch: A well-defined value proposition tailored to specific customer segments is crucial for effective lead nurturing.
  • Data-driven decision making: SFE provided a benchmark for OverSOC to assess its lead generation efforts and identify areas for improvement.
“It was not just outsourcing lead gen. It was getting a benchmark from a very experienced company.”
Marc Kieken, director of sales and marketing, OverSOC

Why Sales Force Europe?

  • Speed and Efficiency: SFE's proven methodology accelerated OverSOC's entry into the UK market.
  • Market Expertise: SFE's understanding of the cybersecurity landscape and lead generation best practices ensured a targeted approach with a pitch refined for the UK.
  • Scalability: SFE offered a scalable solution that could adapt to OverSOC's growth.

“We met with the SFE team and it was straight to the point, understanding what we were doing. We had a contract in less than one week, and everything was done in two weeks,” Kieken said, getting up and running with a collaborative playbook. “A playbook was created and a BDR was allocated within two weeks to call into the different personas.”

This all resulted in highly qualified enterprise meetings in just six weeks.


OverSOC's experience demonstrates the effectiveness of leveraging Sales Force Europe for lead generation in a new market. While the company ultimately decided to focus on product development before re-engaging SFE, the partnership provided valuable insights and qualified leads, laying the groundwork for future success.

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