Sales as a Service: The other SaaS unicorn

At our core, we are a SAAS company that sells SaaS. We provide Sales as a Service (SAAS) for tech companies looking to scale in Europe, much of which is business, infrastructure and cybersecurity tooling offered in the cloud, also known as Software as a Service (SaaS). SAAS brings a human side to SaaS.

What is Sales as a Service? 

Is it just another acronym for the same old? In some ways, yes. We’ve been providing an enterprise outsourced sales service since 2003. Our network of senior sales reps has grown to a hundred strong and spread across Europe, and, with it, their network of tech buyers has grown exponentially. But, besides adding lead generation services eight years ago, our business model has stayed the same — local tech sales reps leverage existing networks and domain knowledge to launch great tech products to new markets quickly.

That being said our team has grown quite fond of this newish SAAS term. Because outsourced sales doesn’t have a great reputation. It’s usually imagined as either desperate door-knockers or beginners. Sales as a Service, by linking us with other service providers, helps clarify that we are experienced and specialized. We are act as a qualified drop-in for your own sales force so you can focus on building great tech. We do what we do best so you can do what you do best.

Sales as a Service eliminates the effort, cost, and time needed to recruit and train your own teammates. It also allows you to focus on your core business while your tech quickly and effectively scales to new markets, verticals and geographies.

And, of course, SAAS leverages a lot of SaaS. We don’t just sell the tech, we use it. All of our sales reps and sales engineers can quickly onboard to whatever CRM and sales pipeline tooling you’re using, as well as get up to speed in order to give convincing product demos, with the precise messaging your want to convey.

Why not just in-house all your sales?

How you go about your global expansion will vary, but, most likely, your first hire in a new country is a sales representative. It’s also one of your most important hires because it sets the tone for your whole expansion.

You could set up a headquarters in a new country, but that takes time. And that time comes with a lot of investment upfront. It takes an average of six months to get on the ground, including setting up a local business entity and recruitment processes. In that time, your competitor can take off, all while you’ve increased your risk by committing to unnecessary CapEx and by signing long-term employment contracts, that you’ll have to honor even if you find there’s no local product-market fit.

By leveraging Sales as a Service, you can test the waters with outsourced sales reps and their existing networks. Once the market opportunity is qualified, you can then consider putting down roots locally by setting up offices and permanent contracts.

We also understand the temptation to relocate a successful sales rep who already has the necessary domain and product knowledge. But that means you are taking them away from your existing customers and their existing success, and moving them to a new market where they haven’t nurtured leads and negotiated deals— and most likely where they don’t speak the local language. By partnering with an outsourced sales agency, you are contracting locals who already have the network and local context, and are ready to learn and share the unique value proposition of your technology.

Your SAAS partners

Sales as a Service is about building long-term partnerships with outsourced sales agencies who are qualified enough to speak on behalf of your organization. We are here to help you get up to speed by passing on our local market and vertical knowledge, and sharing our local prospect networks. 

It’s not like we are just out there working without your input. Our team works in tandem with your own sales team. Whether it’s our lead generation or outsourced sales services, the end tech buyer thinks we are part of your team — even updating our LinkedIn profiles and business cards. Our tools and processes integrate with yours. Our regional management reports back to you regularly.

You provide us with the messaging, marketing and value proposition. We simply contextualize it to local needs and leverage our existing buyer networks.

And like the stickiness of a good SaaS model, the SAAS model relies on you coming back to us. This can either be like Sales VP Robb Miller who hires us with each new SaaS team he’s helping to expand, or like Engie Impact, who’ve leveraged us across multi-tiered, multi-year expansions to Europe and beyond. We work hard to build relationship on trust — we don’t try to hide if something is a bad fit, we look to fix it or pivot quickly. You always know where you stand with us.

Flexible pricing models 

Sales as a Service significantly improves speed to market. The time and money you save is the top reason tech orgs repeatedly partner with Sales Force Europe. We get your product in front of prospects in just a month. 

Sales as a Service relies on outsourced sales to augment your sales team. This can be in response to cyclical or geographical demand, which is why we work on a very flexible single contract basis that echoes the pay-as-you-go SaaS subscription model. But instead of paying for new features, upgrades or number of users, you pay for skilled sales reps and regional sales management. We make it easy for you to move from country to country, letting you test out a new market, perhaps, with just one half-time or full-time sales rep. Then, in response to European markets demand, you can ramp up that sales or move to a different plan in a different market. 

All under a single contract with us. With this flexibility, outsourced sales becomes a lifeline to market customization, not a lock-in like traditional expansion efforts. And we can do it at every level of your international sales funnel. 

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