The success of sales outsourcing in a post-pandemic world

The pandemic reset major work trends dramatically. We halted travel, meetings were moved to homes and video calls instead of business breakfasts and handshakes. Two years have allowed us to witness the emergence of remote teams as one of our new normals, with whole operations reimagined. Breathe in — budget belts are now tightened, and ways of looking at getting business done more efficiently are of top consideration. And the last year of the Great Resignation means it’s hard to find the right people, when you want them, where you need them. But turnaround requires innovation, and we can draw on the successes, in particular the success of sales outsourcing in a post-pandemic world.

Learning lessons from the pandemic

In these tentative steps to getting back to how we were before COVID-19, we are still exploring the best paths to response and adaptation. As the effects of the pandemic begin to wane, how we deal with the fallout will determine how we deal with future crises. So, to learn from the lessons of the pandemic and return stronger has become more important than simply going back to how things were.

One thing is clear. The success of sales outsourcing in a post-pandemic world has not only grown, but has emerged as a shining example of how to do business — in this new normal.

So, how can outsourced sales help you and your tech business get back on your feet and return, competitively?

Slower sales and rising cash-flow issues

Sales naturally slowed down during the height of the pandemic, leading to loss of profit and issues with cash flow — experienced by over 50% of companies according to a report by Deloitte. In the tech industry, this was admittedly less, where we just had about a quarter that was fully on hold

There is a consistently growing need for scalability for most organizations — and is often the best way to manage cash flow in a crisis. The flexibility to reduce a sales team when necessary, and scale up when times are better and new growth requires it.

Gartner surveyed more than 800 HR leaders and found that “32% of organizations are replacing full-time employees with contingent workers as a cost-saving measure”

It makes perfect sense. The last two years have also witnessed the Great Resignation. There are gaps to fill, skill sets required, and remote locations where only locals will be the best option to get the job done. Sales outsourcing will allow your organization to become more agile. Objectives will be met and work will be done, but, the most important point is that sales outsourcing allows you to deploy in a scalable way and regain control of budgets and cash-flow issues caused by the pandemic.

That’s why, at Sales Force Europe, we work with just a single contract per client, so you always know where you stand with us.

COVID-19 and the shift to digital transformation

Despite the doom and gloom, tech remains a strong industry, COVID-19 actually hastened the shift to digital. In a survey undertaken by McKinsey, respondents are three times more likely now than before the crisis to say that at least 80% of their customer interactions are digital in nature.

Lockdowns came in succession. Just as we thought we were recovering, another one came along. Companies were forced to allow their staff to work remotely, and it’s now considered to be the more popular option — for some industries, in some cultures. 

The world accelerated fast, foot to the floor, towards digital transformation.

But it has to be acceleration with control. Consumers in general, your customers, are tuned to online channels. Your competition is always one tab away. Ensure your product or service is the one that they want. 

First, make sure your lead generation and marketing teams are on the ball. Avoid targetless, one-size-fits-all content. Communicate the right message to the right culture. With outsourcing, you will look together at where your business and your lead generation strategy needs work, post-pandemic. Note how to increase your lead generation efforts online. Track, test, use your metrics to improve, work on your call-to-actions (CTAs). Honed lead generation is the foundation for the success of your outsourced sales team. Leads feed the sales representatives, and quality over quantity leads to more sales and repeat customers. 

Post-pandemic, the race is on to regain control and get back up first. You don’t have time to waste. Specialized lead generation and inside sales are an essential part of your sales strategy. They will ensure your outsourced sales representatives are putting your product or service in front of new prospects. Closing deals sooner than the competition equals success and a faster post-pandemic recovery. 

Now that you are taking your first post-pandemic breaths and getting back to business, you are perhaps considering expansion, so giving your tech company the chance to reach new markets. Positive change is now.  Businesses need to adapt to survive long-term and it’s certainly true to say that COVID-19 has been a driver for change. International brand expansion is always a good target and may be more reachable than you think. 

Post-Brexit transition — adding fat to the fire

If you’re already headquartered and running a successful tech business in the UK, it’s worth knowing that of the 78% of UK businesses with plans for expansion, 18% want to expand internationally, according to our partners Globalization Partners. Reaching new customer markets and allowing your business to diversify its assets is within your capabilities with an outsourced sales agency.

If you’re planning on scaling your business into the UK from elsewhere, then work with a sales agency in London. There are lots of reasons why you should still target the UK for tech sales.

However, overcome the hurdles first. Not just post-pandemic. The post-Brexit transition has in itself made things difficult. Employing a team of sales representatives in London can be the stuff of nightmares. Unless you are completely au-fait with work visas and are aware of the new points-based immigration system when hiring international employees then leave it to the experts. Managing work visas for EU-based employees is no walk in the park. Unless you have a limitless supply of time — probably one of your scarcest commodities — and bottomless budget. Add in the talents of a patient HR lead/recruiter who knows the ropes of local laws and the fines that go with non-adherence. 

Hiring sales agents in London, or to hire any local sales representatives in Europe is simply a smoother journey with outsourcing. You will receive full service coverage for your tech offering and highly skilled sales representatives, B2B lead generation, and inside sales, all ready to hit the ground running and channel sales into your vertical. 

What’s the next step for your business? Be it a startup or an established tech company hoping to scale into the new markets of Europe, it’s time to unmask and join the success of sales outsourcing in a post-pandemic world. The outsourced sector has evolved rapidly and shown it’s the best-fit staffing solution in a changing world. It’s time to evolve with it.

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